
Welcome to So Sly Systems:

    So Sly Systems is an Ottawa-based company servicing the needs of small business. From a single computer to entire networks, we take the worry out of your information technology and keep you running smoothly.

    Here are just some of the solutions we provide:

    • Network Setup, Support and Enhancements
    • Software recommendations and Installations
    • Network Security (Firewalls, VPN)
    • Internet Connection management
    • Web and email services
    • Backup Solutions
    • Virus, Spyware and Pop-up Removal

    Our specialty is computing solutions. We optimize the systems you have by making all our recommendations from an unbiased point-of-view. We offer the best possible solution, within specified budgets, to meet the needs of even the most demanding clients. We don't sell products -- we offer expert solutions and new ideas that work together to accomplish your goals.

272lakeside.ca www.272lakeside.ca
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